Men’s Youth: Uruguay – Ukraine 1-2

Ukraine got their first victory in group D of the Youth Men’s World Championship with2-1 against Uruguay in a match with a dramatic development that was determined in the shoot-out and had two sending-offs, one for each team.

In the first set, the balance was tilted early towards the Ukrainian side, with the big battle taking place in the second, where Falero gave the solution for Uruguay, scoring in the last seconds and leading the match to the shoot-out.

There, although Uruguay took a 6:2 lead (Kushniruk had missed for Ukraine), Pereira's missed attempt brought the Ukrainians back to life. Pirrongelli didn’t score for Uruguay as well and Ukraine won it in a very eventful finale which led to the expulsion of Falero.

The sets: 17:20, 18:17, 10:12

Uruguay: Falero 12, Lopez, Cetraro, Pirrongelli, Guerra, Bianchi, Pereira 2, Leal 17, Fresengo 10, Lapetina

Ukraine: Protsiuk 21, Krasiun 2, Podborskyi 2, Blahodir 2, Hochachko, Ilin 14, Pysarevskyi 4, Shaybakov, Kushniruk 4, Savytskyi

Referees: Botincan, Rupcic (Croatia) S: 2-3 Red Card: 19’ Hochachko - Falero


Santiago Kato (Uruguay - Player)

"The match was determined by chance and was influenced by the wrong decisions of the referees against us. Ukraine is a strong team, which made it difficult for us in the first set. In the second set we improved and equalised. In the eighth shot in the shoot-out, we failed, we were unlucky. Unfortunately, it was an unfortunate result for us".

Mikhail Pysarevskyi(Ukraine - Goalkeeper)

"It was a difficult match and we are happy that we finally won. We play for our country, which is at war and we were proud to play for the national coat of arms.We dedicate the victory to the people of Ukraine. We try to be focused on the part of the games, but it is difficult when your country is in such a difficult situation".








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